Author: Richard MacManus

Tags: audience development; online marketing; tv; streaming; espn; twitch It’s the NBA Finals and ESPN is looking for ways to entice teens to watch it. For Game 2, which screened today my time, ESPN did a special broadcast aimed at the 12 to 17 year old market. Called ‘Full Court Press’, it was a cartoon-enhanced…

Read More ESPN airballs its NBA live stream (Cybercultural Daily Update 6-2-2019)

Cultural sectors discussed in today’s newsletter: book publishing Some quick admin, before we start. Today I’m introducing a couple of new features to the newsletter. ‘Tracking’ will be an ongoing list of tech + cultural industry news I’m tracking across different sectors. ‘Data Points’ will take note of interesting new industry data points, particularly relating…

Read More Audiobook sales surge, print & ebooks decline (Cybercultural Daily Update 5-31-2019)

Cultural sectors discussed in today’s newsletter: TV & movies; books Wattpad is becoming a regular feature on the Hollywood news website Variety. For a company built on User-Generated Content (UGC), the Toronto-based Wattpad has become adept at pushing the best of its amateur-created content into the hands of media gatekeepers – not only in Hollywood,…

Read More Wattpad’s Hollywood formula (Cybercultural Daily Update 5-27-2019)

Cultural sectors discussed in today’s newsletter: performing arts; GLAM; music; movies For those cultural sectors that rely on events for a big part of their revenue – the performing arts, museums and galleries, movies, music – ticketing is a key part of doing business. Ticketing is also an area where digital technologies are playing an…

Read More What’s new in online ticketing (Cybercultural Daily Update 5-22-2019)

Cultural sectors discussed in today’s newsletter: podcasting; radio; music Podcasting has been a growth industry this year, particularly after Spotify announced its intentions to rapidly expand into podcasting back in February. Podcasting is still a tiny industry compared to radio, but recent moves by both Spotify and Google are beginning to lay the foundation for…

Read More Spotify & Google make moves in podcasting (Cybercultural Daily Update 5-20-2019)

Today I’m launching my latest new media venture: Cybercultural. It’s a subscription-based email newsletter for people who work in the cultural and creative industries, and tech professionals whose work intersects with the cultural industries.  Sign up now The “cultural industries” are often called the “creative industries” and the definition is contested. But in a nutshell, I’ll…

Read More Introducing Cybercultural